Google Doodle

On October 31, 2011, in Computer help and IT Support, by J

One of life’s great little surprises is the Google Doodle:  Both when it appears – which is not always predictable – and what form it takes.

For the uninitiated:  What is a Google Doodle?  Google’s home page,  almost every day, is the familiar Google logo on a clean, white background, with blue, red,  yellow and green letters.  To celebrate events, notable people, holidays and special anniversaries, the familiar logo is replaced by an elaborate, creative, sometimes interactive, and always clever variation on its theme.

Google has, itself, designed 300 celebratory doodles  in the United States and over 700 have been designed internationally.

My personal favorite Google Doodle was the one created in honor of guitarist, songwriter and inventor, Les Paul, for his 96th birthday:

Today’s Halloween Doodle does not disappoint, and most definitely is worth a gander.  Here is the Google Doodle (with time-lapse photography!)

The “inside” story of today’s Google Doodle for Halloween 2011:

To waste even more time,
please browse Google’s historical collection of its Doodles below:


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